



Venerable Master Yi-Yun, also known in secular life as Yi-Xiong Gu, is an esteemed international master in Zen calligraphy and painting. Currently, he serves as the president of the World Zen Art Center, as well as the abbot of American Ci Bei Temple and the American Tianfo Temple. Born in1971 in Binzhou City, Shaanxi Province, China, Yi-Yun graduated with a degree in calligraphy and painting from the Art Department of Xi’an United University. Fueled by a deep interest in Zen and Daoist philosophy from a young age, Yi-Yun excelled in Zen Divination, as well as the arts of calligraphy, painting, and ink. Over several decades, he has meticulously cultivated both his spiritual practice and artistic style, crafting a unique and harmonious blend.

At the age of 27, Yi-Yun formally took refuge in the Great Ci’en Temple in Xi’an, China, becoming an official Buddhist. Relocating to Shenzhen at 29, he founded the Peng-Gu Art Studio. By 35, he had moved to Hong Kong, where he served as the Executive Vice President of the China Zen Art Academy. At 39, he held a painting exhibition in New York. Establishing the World Zen Art Center in New York at the age of 42, Yi-Yun focused on the study of Zen ink painting. At 43, he took refuge in Cihang Jingshe in New York. Under the guidance of Elder Miao-Feng, his refuge teacher, Yi-Yun delved into the study of Buddhism. In 2013, at the age of 42, Yi-Yun accompanied Elder Miaofeng as part of a Buddhist delegation, visiting sacred Buddhist sites in China, including Lingyin Temple and Mount Putuo. At 47, he traveled through fifteen states in the United States and Canada. Assuming the position of Zen Hall Supervisor at the American Tianfo Temple at 51, Yi-Yun continued his spiritual journey. At 52, he experienced a profound awakening and formally entered monastic life at the American Tianfo Temple, receiving the novice name Yi-Yun. At 53, Yi-Yun followed Master Tian-Pei in New York, studying the Pure Land Dharma. At 54, he assumed the position of abbot at the American Ci Bei Temple. Venerable Master Yi-Yun, following the Chan tradition, engages in both Chan meditation and Pure Land chanting. Through sudden realization, he comprehended the inherent emptiness and the natural path of the Dharma, maintaining constant mindfulness of Amitabha Buddha and attaining liberation through the wisdom of Prajna.

With unwavering commitment, Venerable Master Yi-Yun upholds compassionate teachings, disseminates the Dharma, and brings benefits to all sentient beings. He adheres to guiding principles of transcending ignorance, upholding the correct teachings, inspiring and guiding society, and liberating sentient beings. Here is a verse composed by Venerable Master Yi-Yun: “In the ever-changing realm of existence, humans ride the waves of joy and sorrow. Yet, only when the Buddha’s essence remains forever within, can one attain serenity, radiance, and true liberation. Through the path of Zen and Tao, profound insights unfold, revealing the universal order and the boundless emptiness within. With the wisdom of Prajna, one transcends, achieving Buddhahood and ultimate release."

Ink paintings by Venerable Zen Master Yi-Yun(Yi-Xiong Gu):


美國慈悲寺是2024年在美國紐約市成立,是World Zen Art Center 的下屬非營利佛教寺院。首任住持由釋一雲法師率四眾弟子護持弘法。慈悲寺宗旨,遠離無明,住持正法,警世導俗,倒駕慈航。本寺供奉娑婆三聖和西方三聖。娑婆三聖,即釋迦摩尼佛是佛教教主,是凡人成佛的化身。左脅侍為觀世音菩薩,是救苦救難有求必應的化身。右脅侍為地藏王菩薩,是幽冥教主,也是孝子的化身,超拔冤親債主,消除宿世業障,求其冥福救贖;西方三聖,指西方極樂世界教主阿彌陀佛。左脅侍為觀世音菩薩,能伏外道魔憍慢。右脅侍為大勢至菩薩,以念佛證果為淨土初祖,恆念阿彌陀佛,以智慧之光普照一切,使人得到無上力量、威勢自在,接引眾生往生淨土。

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